Wills, Power of Attorney, Guardianship
ASP Legal can assist with all your estate planning needs.
Single person wills;
Husband and wife wills;
Wills creating life estates in property;
Testamentary Trust wills' these will create flexibility on distribution to beneficiaries and are often used for asset protection and tax purposes.
Power of Attorney
Enduring Power of Attorney' this will continue to have effect even when you have lost your capacity to self manage your affairs.
General Power of Attorney' this will cease to have effect once you have lost the capacity to self manage your affairs. They can be for a specific purpose, a set period of time, or ongoing.
A Power of Attorney must be registered if it is to be used for real estate or share transactions.
A Power of Attorney only signs legal documents and attends to financial affairs.
An Enduring Guardian can make decisions on your health and welfare and even make decisions on your place of residence if necessary.
Speak to us about your estate planning needs.